Wednesday 20 January 2010

Wheelie Wednesday - Bailey Better & Busy!

Hallo All!
You'll be pleased to know I'm back on my paws after my nasty bout of 'Wheelie' Flu - that Swine Flu is nothing in comparrision.
It goes against my stuffing BUT have to admit that the Foxy Miss did good as a nurse - kept the hot toddy's flowing nicely!
Shame, she doesn't have a cure for Mistress's forgetfulness.
You wouldn't believe the mess she made looking for her mislaid keys.
She even emptied her shredded paper basket!
Ever my helpful self, I was on floor sweeping duties yesterday...While she relaxed with coffee & finished this rather unique Jig-Saw, one I had especially had made for her... As Sir Woodstock would say of himself "Handsome looking fellow!"
Till next
time, keep paw happy!


Dandy Duke said...

What an awesome puzzle, Bailey! Wow - it sorta looks like you! *wink wink*
We're so glad you're feeling better!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

A cup of tea and youw handsome face to look at will welax youw Mistwess and make hew memowy all pawfect awe such a helpful, good boy, so glad you awe all bettew..give my love to Judy and of couwse to siw wowwdstock
smoochie kisses