Monday 25 May 2009

Happy 'Berfday' Bob!

I am none too pleased that Mother saw fit to send another photograph of me wearing pants on my head to young Bob T Bear Esq, this time for his 'Berfday Pants Gallery', now posted for the world to see on his blog...And, I will have you know, they are not PINK pants, that is a trick of the light - they are actually PEACH!
But, putting this embarrassment aside, I do wish the cheaky youngster, a very Happy Birthday!
Do hope your Chocolate Biscuit Tin is never empty...
Hugs ang Greetings!


Roan said...

Pink/peach, they still are pants! Poor Woodstock. Happy Birthday to Bob T Bear, though. Poor Woodstock.

Dandy Duke said...

We think you look grande, Woodstock! hehehehe
Jaffa Cakes! We sent those to our friend Elaine and Jaffa in Vancouver quite awhile back! We had never seen them before and thought they'd be PERFECT for them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch