Thursday 19 February 2009

True Colours Thursday - BLUE!

With Mothers love of BLUE, it will come as no surprise, that I was rather spoilt for choice as to who, to introduce from the Household Hug today for Mothers meme, there being three possible contenders!
After conferring with Merry, I finally settled on the rather shy, Master BLUEberry, wearing his BLUE floral cravat...He's a young bear of quality, being a Steiff!
Here's the proof, the tell-tale button in his ear...He arrived the year, that Grandmother was diagnosed as terminally ill, she spent Mother's birthday in Sobel House Hospice, after an emergency admission, when the nasty Cancer in her tummy erupted!
Mother, who had always, hankered after a Steiff Bear, purchased him for herself on Grandmothers behalf, as she too loved Stuffies & Teddies .
His name comes, not from the fact that he is so BLUE!
But, because, on the day of her actual birthday, Mother took in both BLUEberry Cheesecakes & BLUEberry Muffins for all the hospice residents & staff to enjoy.

I understand that Grandmother, did came home to stay & on her brighter days use to talk to him.
Here's the two of us, in the getting to know you hug...


Anonymous said...

What a lovely and sad story....

A Steiff you can't get better breeding than that....:-)

Great Blue Sir Woodstock....

Roan said...

I'm not familiar with a Steiff, but sounds like he must be rather upper crust. He sounds like a very nice and thoughtful bear. Happy Thursday!
Love, Aunt BJ

Marguerite said...

Master Blueberry is a handsome young fellow, indeed. I really enjoyed the story of how he got his name. Now I'll think of him every time I eat a blueberry muffin. hehe

Dandy Duke said...

What a handsome boy, Blueberry is! We love the picture of your two heads together, Woodstock!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a lovely friend, he is very special. Great breeding too!
~lickies, Ludo

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I'm never shor abowt steiffy Bears. I knew wun in collidge an he waz reelly up himself. Sed his Daddy had left him an enormuss dolls' howse at the aige ov 2, an all the choklit peanuts he cud eet, an that he waz ownly at collidge to study the commoners.

Mind yu, I won't judge peepol by their appearance. Not eevn their earrings.

It's a poofy cravat tho.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Chek that:
heez naymed arfter dizert.
I like him!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi! Always nice to meet new bears! I'll be keeping a paw on your blog!
--TB Superstar