Friday 6 February 2009

Snow & an American came for Tea!

It has been a funny few days - full of surprises!
First there was the arrival of Merry.
For another, I keep waking up to a white world.
I wanted to take a closer look - but, Mother insisted I put on a pullover first.
Just, look @ me - she will have to take it in...
It was far tooo big, yet there was no reasoning with her.
Duly clad, I then peeked outside - the garden looked awfully chilly...And, white...However, bravely ventured out @ the front of my abode and measured the snow - 4 inches allowing for ruler error...
So, decided to stay cosy & warm indoors, which was fortuitous, as I had my third surprise of the week - an unexpected but exceedingly welcome caller.
Dear WFT Miss
Asta accompanying her daddy, on a brief UK visit, took a side trip to Dreamingspires specifically to have afternoon tea with me...I was delighted to entertain her!
Such a charming girl.
Saw her off in the snow, her next call Jackson
... I gather, she made it safely despite the atrocious travel conditions.


Roan said...

I think you look quite handsome in your sweater, even though it could use a tuck here and there. And, what a wonderful surprise! A visitor.
Love ya,
Aunt BJ

Dandy Duke said...

What a fun week you've had, Woodstock! First Merry and now Asta! I wonder if next week can top this week?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Debbie's Bears said...

Hi Sir Woodstock!

We saw your note to us and we would love to be friends!

We love your blog! We look forward to getting to know you!

Bear Hugs;
Zach, Scrappy & Carly