Sunday 22 February 2009

The Second Smallest Teddybear!

Have been doing a bit of Bear Web surfing!
I found 'Mini the Pooh', he's just 5 mm tall and was made by German sculptor Bettina Kaminski...But, he does not hold the Guinness World Record for the smallest Teddy Bear, that accolade goes to 'Tiny Ted'!
Made by Cheryl Moss of Mossie Bears, South Africa, he is a 4.5mm tall teddy and is fully jointed with hand sewn eyes, nose and mouth.
He now lives in the Cheju Island Teddy Bear Museum in Korea and is displayed under a magnifying glass, for all to see!

Am very glad these little ones are NOT members of my Household Hug, as fear they would all too quickly be lost!!!


Dandy Duke said...

OMG, what a teeny weeny teddy! How adorable - and fully-jointed too! It's just amazing!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Roan said...

Hi Woodstock,
Now that's a tiny Teddy! I would be afraid I would lose him.

I'm glad you are not that tiny.
Aunt BJ

DILLY said...

Be bayby Bears!!!!
Awww..... be tynee,
hardly smell t'all!!