Wednesday 28 January 2009

B is for Bear[s]!

Now, it was not my intention to blog every day, yet opportunities keep arising.
For instance I can hardly let this weeks A
BC Wednesday pass by.
The alphabet letter is
B, and what else can it stand for but Bear or even better Bears!

During the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, that smart youngster
Bob. T Bear [esq] held his own Paw-lympic 'Synchronized Bear Sittin' event.
Some of Mother's Hug participated, here's their entry...Not too bad really!
But, they were beaten 'fair & bear', to the Bear Gold, a little Blue Felt Bear, by Becky's bunch...However, there was much honey liqueur celebrations & bear-citement in my households Hug, when they were awarded by Bob, 'A Special Certificate of Merit' for their fur colour co-ordination...Bravo!
, obviously, we will fair much better next time, under my tutelage!


Roan said...

Hi Sir,
I really enjoyed your Bear post. I can't wait for the next Paw-lympics so I can see how you do.

John says to say hello. He has been enjoying your new blog. It's too cold for him to go outside to play, plus we had a lot of snow overnight, so he's happy to have some fun reading.

Love ya,
Aunt BJ

Asta said...

siw Woodstock

I wemembew that momentous event in the pawlympics..congwatulations to the gang fow theiw cewtificate..I'm suwe they'll get a gold this yeaw wif youw help
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations on your certificate, Woodstock! We think you're a shoe-in this year at the Pawlimpics! *wink wink*

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hehhee... that waz fun, that waz! :@D