Monday, 10 August 2009

World Cat Day, Munchen & a Bear Musuem!

I have had to have a serious word or two with Mother this morning, as it came to my belated attention that over the weekend, she had missed another important date on the Calendar of Life - the rather neat graphic's are from The Cat Realm ... Now, I know Mother is a confirmed dog lover BUT!!!
She does have serious pussycat friends - there is Daisy, Muffin & Ginger Jasper for three and, I just I hope that dear 'Aunt' Miss Peach>(^;^)<, will forgive her regrettable forgetfulness and neglect...It was Miss Peach who discovered they were long lost cousins, via the now defunked peculiar aristocratic title website.
She is...
Mother is "Lady Blue, the Mirthful of Bow under Bumpstead" !

Anyway, Saturday was 'World Cat Day', and we missed it!
And, I had a feline Hug member too, to introduce!
Yes, my hug is very eclectic, I insist on open mindedness about species - and this boy has been waiting patiently for his 'moment of fame' for a number of years.
Allow me to introduce lion Munchen...He hails from Munich in Bavaria, as his blue & white check suggests.
In the Summer of 1992, Mother spent the first of a few delightful holidays in that city due to her gentleman friend Little Buddy flying there!
The route was a new venture for 'Canadian Airlines! now long since engulfed by 'Air Canada'.
The crews - well, only the pilots had lengthy layovers - five days off @ a glorious time!
LB managed to secure two such coveted August pairings back to back.
So, Mother stayed on whilst he flew between Canada and Munich - she loved it - the classy hotel, the location, the warm weather & the cold mags of Beer in the Gardens!
Sadly, there are no photos as LB was very paranoid !

Moving on - Munchen's English after living here, for so many years is very good - barely a trace of a German accent!
He told me Mother procured him, as she could not afford a local Bear!
I found that very sad but know she cares for him.
He went on to say, whilst she was in his home city alone, she visited here...
This toy museum in the Old City Hall in Marienplatz in the heart of Munich, houses one of the largest collections of old toys from Europe and America.
But, Mother was only naturally interested in the teddy bears.
This is a souvenir postcard from her visit, showing a resident family of gold & white mohair Stieff Bears from 1904...
Going back to Munchen, he does feel somewhat Hug out numbered.
However, I did point out it could be worse there might 'living' cat for Mother to pet and he does have pride of place on the Rocking Chair - it seemed to cheer him up.


Duke said...

Happy World Cat day to lion Munchen! We love his checkers!
Mom loves the postcard of the antique Steiff teddies!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Roan said...

Hi Woodstock,
I'm glad you remembered World Cat Day. Wouldn't want to make any kitties mad, they do have sharp claws after all. ;)
Aunt BJ

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

WOW! Wat a grayte post (an I luv yor mewsik! HAHA!)

We mist Cat Day, too. Mummy will be so disappoyntid...